Monday, October 27, 2008

The Latest...

Updates! Unfortunately I don't have much to update on the writing front. I turned in both applications for the jobs I was after and I have heard...NOTHING! Boo :(! One of the jobs I was applying for had at least 70 other qualified applicants so I wasn't holding my breath. That is tough competition. However for the music blog I was only up against about 20 or so others. I returned my portion of the application/assignment last Tuesday and I expect to hear something this week if it is a yes...Otherwise, back to the drawing board. I still have a few more writing projects firing so all opportunity is not lost:).

As far as The Denver Marathon goes, it is gone and it went well! Our relay team competed in the ING portion of the Marathon a week ago Sunday. I'm pleased to report I did accomplish my goal of running 9 miles at a pretty decent speed. I completed my leg in exactly 9 minute miles on average. The first 3 miles were faster than that but obviously I didn't maintain my opening pace. I felt good during the race and I am contemplating a half marathon in the not too distant future...I am not sure why:)! As a whole our relay team did SUPA in the marathon and we all managed to run as well or faster than we'd hoped! Our team results were above average but most importantly we had a lot of FUN!! Thanks Alana, Eric, Andrew and Whitney!!

That's it for now. I will check back in with another blog later this week. Happy Monday!

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