I have been busy burning a hole in my keyboard lately!! I'm chasing down lots of writing opportunities as usual and...I finally have a small writing breakthrough:). I was accepted to blog on Examiner.com. I am the National Pop Music Examiner and will be paid based on how many hits I generate to my page. Yeahya! I was hoping to entice you to "pop" in over there and check me out from time to time...Or all the time is fine too:). To find me you can click here:
Pop Music Examiner or simply go to examiner.com and search National Pop Music Examiner. I will also be adding the link to the "I'd Hit That" List to your immediate right. I only have one blog posted but hope to get busy with a couple more soon. I'm still trying to figure out their system and process.
In other news, I turned 30! Yep I've officially joined the young and accomplished club, ha:)! And I want to say thank you to all of you that made my day AMAZING. I was truly overwhelmed by your love and wishes. There were so many different ways you all made my b-day special from the gifts and cards to the 30+ of you that showed up to celebrate with me. I truly look forward to paying the love forward to all of you all year long!
And believe it or not, that is only the tip of the iceburg for me this year! I will post more updates and blogs as they materialize. I hope to keep the momentum rolling!
Love to all of you!