Monday, June 22, 2009

My Two Cents

I read something today that confused me. It was written by an acquaintance of mine who was talking about a social issue and what they believed in regards to it. They took a stand on one side of the issue and it was a noble stand that I think many of us would mentally ascend to taking. But in my initial admiration I started looking at this specific person's conduct relative to the issue they were speaking of and the experiences I've personally had with this individual. It made me wonder what side they really were on. Their actions and words did not match.

It's easy to put in words what we think we believe. And in some ways just expressing our values can blind friends and loved ones who want to believe what we're saying. Identifying our principles also make us feel better about ourselves and where we stand...But when these things are tested, tempted and teased our actions, not our words, end up defining what we believe.

And honestly I am not writing this as one who stands at a vantage point of judgment but instead I speak of personal experience. There is a lot of things I said I stood for, believed in and valued. I've been through a lot of testing in the last year or so and learned about myself that my actions and my spoken values are truly something I need to work on matching up with the other. It's tougher than it seems when you are walking through the fire!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

SOME of My Favorite Combinations of Words

Still lacking significant inspiration to form my own stream of thoughts. So instead I wanted to share with you some of the words that inspire me.

"I see before me a man, with all his good and all his bad. I simply see a man."

Those are the goggles I see people through. We're all human, we all have our fair share of good and bad and we all need love!

"There's always some madness in love but there is always some reason in madness!"

While you may not have to search at all for the madness, you most likely will have to search for the "reason". It's worth the hunt.

"Lost are the days of innocent guiltlessness. Lost are our heroic dreams and everlasting intrigue. Never to be lost are our tempted hopes."

Never lose hope. If you lose that, you truly lose everything!

"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." Rumi

When you find love it is often like finding a long lost, missing piece of yourself. It's when your heart finds commonality, extension, rest and passion in anothers. And then you realize it was there all along, you just needed the right person to awaken it.

"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." SYDNEY J. HARRIS

I've certainly found this to be true in my life. The saying, "Live with no regrets" has some truth. If you regret the things you have done, change. Move on. If you find regret for the things you haven't done, didn't say, etc. And the opportunity has now passed you by, that you can never change.