Monday, March 19, 2007


I think lately I've been very guilty of only looking at my world through my own perception. The trouble with this is that my perceptions aren't always the reality. After much soul searching I can see that I've convinced myself of things that I have no solid or concrete facts to back up - no evidence, only feelings, perceptions. It's easy to believe my feelings or my gut but it isn't always right...

Side Bar here: Thank God for a voice of reason, Eric!! He is also one of the most forgiving and non-judgemental people I know. He sees and believes only the facts most of the time. I truly admire and respect that about him - and need that in him.

So any way:), I'm trying to turn off my head and my jaded perceptions and view the world with a look of innocence again - like a child. I'm learning to believe that no one is really out to hurt me, or is talking behind my back, or is misperceiving me as I have done to them:). I want to turn off the protection mechanisms I've so carefully put in place over the years and love and accept others without judgement or fear of rejection. It's like getting back on your bike after a major wipe out and learning to ride all over again, knowing that you could get hurt but believing that the the ride will be worth the risk.

I believe this journey will make my life richer if I can complete it. I may have a few more "wrecks" along the way but I will also get to experience all the good that comes with the ride!

I'm taking off the glasses that have protected me and blurred my view. I hope I can be more authentic and see the world more authentically through eyes that are coming back into focus.

1 comment:

Eric Tuin said...

You are such a good writer, I know I'm partial but you are. That is also some good revelation and reminder. Thanks for wanting to be a better person, I love you.