Friday, April 20, 2007

Good Day

Fingers poised, hovering over the keyboard...Waiting... The thoughts aren't coming together in my head like I want them to...I'm not even sure what I want to write about but I know I need to write. I need the therapy. Yes, I'm self-medicating:)!

There's the sound of a Little Touch Leapad in the background and Megan's labored breathing. She has just been diagnosed with childhood asthma. I'm not sure I believe the diagnosis...Or is it that I don't want to believe it? I'm not sure I want to consciously feed her steroids every day for the next two months and possibly the next year. I was assured the side effects to her are minimal, if any but I'm not sure...

There's also the sound of Benjamin singing in "Benjanese". We're starting to understand more of his efforts at communication now but he still gets frustrated with us. His nose is running incessantly as he mumbles something, sips from his cup and sings in between.

It's not the best day for me circumstantially but it is a good day. I get to be here with these two precious lives. I get to hear their singing, wipe their noses, tell them no, no NO:). I get to hug them. It's beautiful! I'm happy.

For now, no one else can touch them, hurt them, disillusion them, barge into their classroom with a gun... They are safe with me. I wish it could stay this way forever. I wish I could keep them safe from the outside evils. I know I can't...

It's a good day today. I'm going to soak up every minute of it:)!

1 comment:

Toevs said...

Childhood asthma, huh? It can be such a mixed blessing to get a diagnosis, can't it? I know with Anna hearing she has JRA was a relief and a heartache rolled into one. We went months with wanting to know what was wrong... and then we knew... it is a strange feeling!

I agree with wanting to keep my kids safe with me. Sometimes I just want to stay home all day with them... sometimes I want them to give me my space. :-) I must admit that I am enjoying a little quiet at the moment though since Daddy took them out for the evening. :-) But I do always want them safe!

I enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks for sharing your life with me. :-)

Love ya!