Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Steppin' In It

Have you ever stepped unintentionally on a piece of nasty sticky chewing gum spit out on hot pavement...Or worse yet, an unclaimed pile of doggy lawn chocolate?!! You weren't watching where you were stepping and now you and your shoes are paying a steep price for it...

Yes, well I did that this weekend, only not technically with my feet and shoes. I did it in a relationship and now I am paying the price. I've learned a lot about myself through this and about consequences. But I can't shake the way it makes me feel... Just like the sticky tack of your shoes or the smell of them after you step in something, what I did lingers in the back of my mind constantly and it makes me more than sad...More like grieved. Like I've lost something I can't replace and that something WAS/IS valuable to me. I sort of feel like I deserve this and I'm trying to work through it and feel it completely because I never want to do this again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learning is what life is all about - You have just learned "If it doesn't feel good then don't do it." Everybody has to learn that sooner or later - you aren't alone. We all crash and burn at one point or another, so welcome to the human race. Don't take life so seriously - it's too short!