Monday, February 09, 2009


I can't believe it's been almost three weeks since I updated here. What kind of a blogger am I?? Definitely not active enough on this site of late. That is in part because I've been posting 2-3 times per week on I've spent a lot of time I would have otherwise allotted to blogging trying to familiarize myself with their publishing tools and system. I am enjoying writing for examiner because it combines two things that I love - music and writing! So if you miss me (I hope so) and need a quick blog fix you can always jump over there to hear my random music raves, reviews and opinions several times a week. And if there is anything you want me to research and write about send me your ideas. I'm always open to that!

Becuase I'm in the music creative vein I ran into a song while digging through the Grammy nominations last week that I absolutely love!! I relate to it on so many different levels. One of the lines in this song says: "A life perfect, ain't perfect if you don't know what the struggle's for.". That line exposed new elements of an old fundamental truth. In reality we never reach the "perfect" life but we all dream and anticipate getting to a happy place in our journey's. A place where we've accomplished goals we've set and dreams we've worked to achieve. But we can't get there without the struggle and neglect, even poverty. The struggle is what makes the end result taste all the sweeter. If you never fight for anything, you never win...The struggle is part of the perfection in the end.

I'll leave you with those thoughts...and as always my love!


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