Friday, February 09, 2007

Jealousy defines jealousy as:
1. jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.
2. mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.
3. vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.
4. a jealous feeling, disposition, state, or mood.

Can I whine? I looked up this word because I think that is the condition of my ailment today. I'm jealous. At 11:00ish this morning Eric calls me to see what we (the kids and I) are doing for lunch. Usually Eric comes home and I appreciate his sacrifice to do that everyday. I'm thinking when he asks the question "I'm doing the same thing I do everyday. I'll feed the kids and then I'll feed myself." But instead I answer, "The usual." Do you like this trip inside my head so far:)?

Well the reason he is asking is because he wants to go out with his friends and I know it. He tells me of plans to go to Old Chicago's and I just say "Go ahead and go." My thoughts not so calm and considerate:)...We get off the phone and I am jealous:)!

Warning: here comes the whining - stop now if you aren't in the mood:).
Everyday he leaves the house to go to work where he enjoys the freedom of breaks when he needs them. Going to the bathroom when nature calls uninterrupted. He can go to lunch without loading up two car seats and feeding two little mouths before he eats. He can have a beer at the office with the guys when the day is winding down. He can play their favorite computer game uninterrupted before he comes home. And then once he gets here his dinner is usually ready and the kids are winding down to go to bed.

My typical day: I wake up, I feed the kids. I clean up the kitchen. I get them dressed. If I'm lucky I get to work out. I get myself cleaned up - again if I'm lucky no major fights or injuries will erupt during this period. I run the mandatory errands or clean up the toys and clutter. Around noon I feed the kids. I clean up the kitchen and then its naptime. Yay my only non-guarenteed break:). Most days I am fortunate to have an hour or two to myself but some days Megan gives me trouble. I get the kids up, feed them snack and start with dinner prep. Feed the kids again, bath them and put them to bed.

Some days I think Eric's life looks like a vacation. I enjoy my kids and love the blessing they are, but today I admit it, I am jealous and longing for a lunch break and computer games and maybe even a beer! Must be nice:).

1 comment:

Toevs said...

I would love to have lunch with you sometime... how about flying here all by yourself. :-)