Sunday, March 16, 2008

What You Know...

A basic element of writing is to write what you know. And as simple as that sounds it can be paradoxal to a someone trying to get the story out of their head into words on a page. I don't consider myself an established writer yet but writing is something I do often for mental release and relief. Because of this I write here what I know to be true for me. Some are momentary truths and some are timeless... Just like a song writer writes music and lyrics that usually in some way tie to their life experiences; writers write words, essays, stories, etc. that relate to their lives or the "characters" they know from the relationships they are in.

This realization kind of ties together with my previous post on honesty. It might be somewhat shocking to open my blog sometimes and be surprised by the honesty therein. I am sharing my experiences here...And yes, I probably should take caution with what I publish online but I think I've come to terms with the fact that you might find out more about me with this approach...And I assure you it will be authentic. Like an artist I am painting my colorful often raw thoughts on this canvas:). The picture may not always be a work of art but it will be my own creation:).

I'm not sure all of this will really make sense to you, but it was good for me to put the pieces together:). I thought I would share it in light of the honestly blog I posted the other day.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!! Happy St. Patty's Day from a red headed irish girl:)!



The Miller Clan said...

You are a writer...and a good one too! I sure wish I was better at putting my words down on paper. Have never been much of a writer! (I just typed rider...instead of writer...seee I told you I wasn't much of one!=) Look forward to reading your blogs!
Love ya!

Eric Tuin said...

The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

They say that writing is a view into one's sole so I think you hit the nail on the head :) Love you more every day.

Jess Downing said...

I like the insight into your life, especially since we were 12 the last time we spent significant time together sewing and cooking at Brooke's house for 4-H. :)

jess d

Anonymous said...

"Living in transparency..." What a wonderful phrase! It's been my experience that living your truth is one of the best things you can do in life. The second best thing is consideration of other people's feelings. A person my forget your name, what you look like, etc. but they never forget how you treat them. It's a balancing act between the two. Keep writing - you are excellent at it! W.O.W.