Monday, May 05, 2008

I Was Tagged!

I was caught in a game of cyber tag and didn't dodge the bullet...So I'm it - here goes...

Someone Said I Had To - - -
Participate in a game of tag.

Four Jobs I've Held
1) Administrative/Marketing Assistant for High Country Engineering and now 2N Civil. Really one of my most interesting jobs, not only because I learned a lot about civil development but also because I got to work with lots of guys (engineers, and contractors) and I tried to learn about them too! :)

2) Hygeine Coordinator for Anderson and Heim DDS. Not one of my fav. positions but I learned a lot about dental health and maintenance. You only get one set of teeth as an adult and believe you me it is worth taking care of them! I mostly scheduled, and confirmed appointments but towards the end they let me assist in easy dental procedures. That part was cool! There was also A LOT of drama at this job!

3) Church Secretary for a church I will not name reasoning being it is better left unpublished on the net. This started out being a great job for me with incredible hours and great pay...But when it came down to it I had more integrity than the people that ran the church and it didn't end well! If you want the full story and have some time ask me.

4) Waitress at Hacienda Colorado. This is my most recent position and so far I'm likin' it. I NEVER saw myself doing something like this as I've had a fear of carrying drinks on a tray for as long as I can remember. No dropped trays or spilled drinks yet (knock on wood) and I'm good at working the peops. It's fun! Come see me!

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
I'm not much of a movie watcher so I'm not sure I could watch any of these over and over again but here are my favs. that I do watch every so often:)!
1) Strange Brew - great 80's comedy:)
2) The Notebook - cheesey? yes, amazing love story? yes:)
3) Sweet Home Alabama - see above - what can I say I'm a chick
4) Hotel Rwanda - just a must see and a must remember so history doesn't repeat itself but I believe it already has in Africa:(

Four Places I've Lived
They are all in Colorado - very unexciting but here goes:)...
1) Basalt, CO - lived there til I was 8 or 9
2) Carbondale, CO - was there til I was 14
3) Glenwood Springs, CO - born there and finally lived there, it's the place I truly consider my hometown
4) Denver, CO - or the burbs specifically known as Highlands Ranch (where I reside now).

Four TV Shows I Like
Oh do I have to admit this;)
1) Survivor
2) Biggest Loser
3) Men In Trees
4) The Deadliest Catch

Four Favorite Foods
1) Potatoes - baked, fried, mashed, cakes YUM!!
2) Italian
3) Chocolate Cake - moist, warm and rich
4) Chicken fried steak or chicken

Four Places I'd Like to Be
1) The Beach in Hawaii
2) The Oregon Coast
3) San Diego - LOVE that city!
4) Alaska - but only in their summer season and only for a vacation type thing

Four People I Tag
Oh look out I'm gonna getcha...! :)
1) Alana!! Cause I love ya!
2) Terry - Have you ever blogged? I challenge you:)!
3) Sarah - You're always down for a fun game of tag:)!
4) Billy - cause I'm sure you could make a blog like this exceptionally entertaining!


Keetha Broyles said...

I came by to read your "tag" post since I'm the one who tagged Ronda in the first place!!

I liked your answers - - -

Marion said...

Thanks for stopping by and for the game of tag! It was fun:)!