Monday, August 11, 2008

Busting Through

When one door closes often a window is opened up, right? Last week I felt like every door I knocked on slammed in my face the moment it opened a crack. I really couldn't get my foot in any where and to make matters worse I couldn't find any windows either. Believe me, I tried. I'm not one to roll over and accept a "no". I definitely started to feel sorry for myself by about Thursday of last week and I didn't pull my head out til I went to bed on Saturday and was so frustrated that I couldn't sleep which inevitably left me to my own thoughts. Danga! But this time my self-pitiful, irritating thoughts led me to a window that I think might be opening for me and if it's not I'm busting it open and going through any way:).

I have spent this year to date "Unraveling" as I put it in a February post. I've been tearing my life apart to try to get to the core of who I am and what I'm supposed to do with that. By that I mean I've been trying to figure out how to use the talent I have and what I enjoy doing to make a contribution in my world. It is my deep desire to use what I've been given to better this world.

I feel like so few of us take the time to evaluate ourselves and the skill sets we've been given. That usually goes hand in hand with something we enjoy doing. Along with that not many of us enjoy the profession we work in, but we keep going back to it for the paycheck. And before we know it life and time get away from us and we never conquer let alone tackle the dreams we have inside. I decided in December of '07 not to live like that anymore and this process hasn't been easy but I think I'm finally getting somewhere.

I'm not going to make this an eternal blog and tell you all that I've uncovered but I am going to try and start blogging more often and I'm sure it will leak out in later posts:). For now I want to challenge you to do what I did. Start to think about your position in life. Ask yourself questions like, are you happy? Are you where you wanted to be or are you headed in that general direction? What do you enjoy? What are you good at? How can you use that? I know those are a lot of heavy, soul-searching questions but I want to challenge you to get to your core...Know who you are, why you're here, WHAT you believe and WHY...And what you can do with all that! Take your brain off of cruise through this life control...And think:).

I believe with passion that we can all leave a mark in our immediate world and I'm determined to do just that. Starting right here with my writing to you in blog format...

P.S. (I'm going to try to syndicate my blog through Bust A Blog: so hit me, hit them and send your friends if you find my entries of interest and relevance. Thanks:)!)


Anonymous said...

Good going Marion! You know, I've been asking those questions of myself for a long time and even though I know some of the answers, I keep cruising through life waiting for the next paycheck. I always end up telling myself I won't make anything of myself, so I never try. I'm tired of that. Nobody is stopping us but us, right?

Thanks for speaking up and stay in touch!

Marion said...

Yeah, I definitely think we are our own biggest critic and our own biggest obstacle. We shut ourselves down with the fear of failure before we even try. I just don't want to regret not trying:)!!

The Miller Clan said...
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Toevs said...

Hey, Marion. I hope the window flies wide open for you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wise Old Woman Says "an unexamined life is not worth living"... Actually, I think that was Ben Franklin, or somebody. Anyway, GOOD FOR YOU! There is also a book out titled "Do What You Love, the Money Will Come." I haven't read it yet, but it sounds like a pretty good idea to me. But, never get so serious that you forget to laugh at yourself! And you know what they say - If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans!