Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Nation Divided?

What bugs me about politics and this country right now is that we are NOT "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Right now in the midst of a Presidential election I would venture boldly to say we are one nation divisible and very much divided. The democrats vs. the republicans…The McCainers vs. the Obama’s. I realize that as a responsible American I have the right and the privilege to vote for many things including one man or woman that I choose to represent me as President of my country. I just wish that during a campaign season I didn’t have to be pitted against my friends, neighbors and countrymen for my decision….

In my ideal America I wouldn’t have to watch political parties pit themselves against each other and throw out nasty comments and slanderous insults to the opposing party; but instead raise intelligent and respectful debates and arguments on differing opinions. In my America the President that is currently serving my country is deserving of respect and honor regardless of whether that is who I voted for or not…Yes we’ve been given a brain and a voice and a country that gives us the right to express our thoughts, however; were we given the right to disrespect our fellow countrymen who see life with different perspectives and influences?

So do engage your brain. Please do...Do the research and know what and who you are voting for and definitely WHY. But then, if you must, respectfully defend your position with honor and dignity. I think we would be better served by our public officials if we weren’t encouraged to get into heated, slanderous arguments against each other to defend who we are supporting. If we were allowed to focus on the issues and policies instead of being forced to research what is truth and what is propaganda. We would be better served by intelligent and respectful individuals who set the standard of conduct not by who could deal the lowest blow, with the most convincing and charismatic speech; but by who could respectfully lead a people of various and differing views. Don't you see, all this division distracts us from the real leaders and the real issues??

Just my thoughts...And the good news is, you're not only entitled to express your own but entrusted with the right to do so...:)

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