Monday, August 25, 2008

Ponder This....

So I've been thinking about something... Are the things we pass judgement on others about the very things we consciously or subconsciously fear we are susceptible to? Is our human nature attempting to deflect judgement from ourselves in a perceived area of weakness?

Let me give you an example. Integrity or the lack there of in anyone who holds a leadership position whether it be the President of our nation or a Pastor at a local church... Taboo? Socially unacceptable? Yes, yet it happens around us to some level or another all the time. Talk to just about anyone about their Boss, Senator, Governor...friend and they can probably eagerly identify a character flaw, weakness or failing.

Why do we do that, because we all do? Is our judgement truly based in a thought out standard or moral value? Is it because we've been taught it's wrong? OR is it because we sense a weakness in our own character that makes us prone to that type of behavior? Get past the pre-programed "that's just wrong" to the why?

So, what do you think...? Is our judgement of others a shield we use to deflect judgement on ourselves?

Happy pondering:)!

1 comment:

Eric Tuin said...

Both :) I think that sometimes we judge people more harshly because of something we may see in ourselves, sometimes we judge them easier because we want to be gracious because we know we are also guilty. I don't know if its that we always judge because we see something in us, at least for me, because I don't have all the same temptations or whatever as some. So, some judgements for me are made from beliefs only I guess. Just my thoughts.